Service-Learning Seminar SVL 101
SVL 101 - Service-Learning Seminar
This course is designed for students to identify and analyze a socially significant need facing the local community and develop and implement a plan to address such a need. Students will examine why this need exists and identify areas of strength to apply to the issue. The course will cover such topics as ethical implications of service, citizenship development, motivation to serve, global issues of service and more. Students will complete critical reflection assignments and exercises that strengthen problem-solving and leadership skills while developing connections with people of diverse cultures and lifestyles. Service-learners are required to serve 135 hours over the course of the semester. This course fulfills the MCC requirement for a social science elective.
- 3 Credits
- Course Offered Fall and Spring
Service Project SVL 101-CC1
In this seminar students design their own individual service-learning projects, working 135 hours over the semester with a community agency of their choice. For additional information on service-learning projects contact
Current Service-Learning Flyer: SVL 101 Flyer
If a student is unsure where they want to serve they may wish to search the Community Wishbook which lists most organizations in the Rochester area that are in need for volunteers and more.
Placements must be approved by the instructor.
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
M - F 8:45am - 4:45pm